

1. 十二点之前求翻译

(1)①名词:集市 ②动词:买
(2)①名词:妙处 ②形容词:奇妙
(3)①了解 ②“见”通“现”,这里是使出现,使动用法
(4)①停止 ②阻绝,阻断
(5)①指出 ②用手指指,即指指点点
(6)①好的,优点 ②擅长,善于
(7)①一样 ②:指已经学习过或已经掌握的知识 ③因此 ④故意,特意
(8)①领会,会意 ②适逢,正赶上
(9)①学问思想 ②道德 
(10)①寻找 ②不久
(11)①答应 ②地方
(12)①京都,国都 ②诸侯国
(13)①参与 ②夹杂 ③暗中
(14)①逃跑 ②灭亡
(15)①诚实,不欺 ②信用.


2. 求大神帮忙翻译。十点之前就要,翻译好了送三百分

This is a  serie of clothes which are black. In the picture ,all details of accessories are mainly about leather woving. 
(Autumn series) This is a serie of early autumn , and  the figure in the lower right corner of the clothing is coming from inspiration of automn falling leaves.  , 
(LOGO) This is LOGO designed for parsons. In the desiging of the lower right corner,the picyure is  like an eye, which means taht through the parsons's eyes we can explore and  discover the mysteries of the art world better.  
(Princess series) This is a fashion of great princess wind.  The serie the model in the above picture wears should  choose Organza and applique to express if it need to be maken to finished product ,and   the following should be expressed through  bud silk embroiderying hook flower and silk . 
(Love series) This is a fashion coming from the  inspiration of love.The  peach heart picture give  persons a kind of sweet feeling,  and as for the color we choose the tonal of bright red and soft ivory . So this is fashion which is lively 、lovely and infectious .
(Marriage gauze series) In the following picture ,  the upper part of the marriage gauze is just like a pure flower  in blossom,and  the desiging of the para cake skirt of the lower part  increase the sense of hanging down. 
(Baroque series) The whole fashion in then left is about partial baroque style. The golden  matching with black velvet gives person the feeling that it is very nice.The centre-left of the picture is from the inspiration of themermaid.the upper part is just like white shell, and the private parts is like a mermaid's tail. 
(Butterfly ring) the butterfly ring is made of  winded copper wire , and some peals are added in the process, besides we also daub the phosphors on the peals ,so it can make light fluorescence even at night . 
(Jewelry design) The materials of this  hair band is mainly red garnet, and the style of the dangler style is biased to the national wind .
我帮你翻译了一下   我一向最擅长的就是语法  希望你能检查下 如果可以 望采纳 你说的要加300fen o

3. 请帮我翻译(20点)

  更新1:  最好用繁体字  唔用简体字。
   回到个性 在他的尝试方面抓杰瑞,汤姆时常必须处理难对付的家伙的闯入,想要抓,而且吃杰瑞和长钉 (有时送帐单如 " 凶手 " 或者 " 难对付的家伙 ")  在尝试争取杰瑞的同时,试着攻击汤姆烦扰他的儿子劣犬 (有时被称为 " 年少者 ") 的一个生气又邪恶的守卫斗牛狗的一只不整齐的黑色小路猫。长钉时常说,使用在喜剧演员吉米 Durante 之后被仿制的一种声音和表达 (被穴鸟巴特勒表现)。 长钉的外套已经改变 t  名称我照用回英文,你自己用MAC就由你钟意啦。 燃起另类的性格 每当TOM尝试捕捉JERRY的同时,常常都会遇到肮脏的黑野猫BUTCH的侵扰,BUTCH亦希望捉JERRY来吃。SPIKE(有时会叫SPIKE做KILLER(杀手)或又叫BUTCH)一只易发怒且凶恶的守门牛头犬, 它会攻击TOM当TOM补捉JERRY   而它觉得它的捕捉打扰儿子TYKE(有时会叫TYKE做JUNIOR)时。 SPIKE讲说话很多   模仿喜剧演员JIMMY DURANTE并由DAWS BUTLER的声线演绎和表达。SPIKE的衣服多年来在颜色上(灰和奶粉红之间)经常改变。在1940年增加了SPIKE儿子TYKE的出现   使两者在性格上有较为温婉的变化   因而产生短暂意外的额外戏剧的系列 : SPIKE 和 TYKE。 TOM 多次改变他喜好的演绎   第一喜爱是SHEIKIE在THE ZOOT CAT的自大和傲慢的说话方式和在THE MOUSE COMES TO DINNER (老鼠到来晚餐)叫他做TOMMY。第二经常变更喜好是TOODLES GALORE之中。 2009-01-02 20:01:12 补充: 第二经常变更喜好是TOODLES GALORE   TOODLES GALORE 从没有任何对话在TOM和JERRY之中。 不知何故   在发表后少了一句   补回   请见谅。  复发的字符 在他的尝试捉住杰瑞,汤姆必须经常应付女同性恋,想要捉住和吃杰瑞的一只褴褛的黑野猫闯入,并且钉牢(有时发单作为" Killer" 或者" Butch")设法攻击汤姆为打扰他的儿子小孩子的一只恼怒,狠毒卫兵牛头犬(有时称" Junior") 当设法得到杰瑞时。 钉讲了话经常,使用声音和表示(执行由Daws Butler)被塑造在喜剧演员吉米Durante以后。 钉的外套多年来修改了在灰色和乳脂状的桃红色之间。 钉的儿子小孩子的加法在40年代末期导致了一轻微变柔和钉的字符和一个短命的附带戏剧性系列(钉和小孩子)。  参考: 网   


4. 急求英语翻译,下午要用,拜托,限时12点40!!

My mother was telling me about how she and her family got their first television when she was a teenager.Of course it was black and white.She said she only watch it at night.She doesn’t remember over watching it in the morning or afternoon.When I was young we had only about 3 or 4 different channels.My bothers ,my sisters and I would sometimes fight about which channel to watch.But we usually enjoyed the same shows.

Nowadays we can get hundreds of channels on TV.I can’t believe it!There are channels with old movies,cooking ,fishing and so on.It’s amazing!There is a channel for everything.I wonder how much my bothers,my sisters and I would fight if we had hundreds of channels when I was a child.Of course we had only one television set.These days I notice families with 2 or 3 or more television sets in their homes.I guess it stops people from arguing over which channel to choose from .


5. 【很急】帮忙翻译一篇文章,十点半前要。很急!谢绝一切在线翻译。



6. 在线等翻译,急需,十二点之前,翻译英语句子,跪求各位大大

Keep on walking/Go straight ahead until you come to a red house. 小偷从肉店偷了些肉。from
The thief stole some meat from the butcher's. 他们昨天进城了。to
They went to the town yesterday.她从两点钟工作到十点。from...to....
She worked from two pm to ten pm. 他把这把锁的钥匙交给了我。to
He gave the key of the lock to me. 现在很少能找到有创造性的人。with
It is less likely to find someone with creativity.别开着窗睡觉。with
Don't sleep with the window open. 他有钥匙开了门。with
He has a key to open the door.这一天平安无事。without
The day passes with nothing special happened.如果没有水,我们无法生活。without
We can't live without water. 没有人反对这个提议。against
Noone go against the proposal.请把梯子靠在墙上。against
Put the ladder against the wall. 除了我,没人知道。except/but
Nobody knows it except me. 汤姆因病没来。because of
Tom was absent because of his illness. 我用木材而不是塑料做了个箱子。instead of
I used wood instead of plastic to make a box. 依照我的手表,现在是10点钟。according to
According to my watch, it's 10 o'clock.我们提前完成了任务。ahead of
We finished the task ahead of the scheduled time.我因病没能参加那次会议。owing to
I didn't attend the meeting owing to my illness. 音乐会因下雨而被取消。due to
Th econcert was cancelled ue to rain.尽管害怕,他们继续前进。in spite of
They kept on advancing despite fears. 我们借助于英特网保持相互联系。 be means of
We kept contact by means of the Internet.
屋前有棵树。in front of.....
There is a tree in front of the house.

7. 求大神翻译(急用,周二12点前用)

  Students are prevalent in today's mental health problems, it has increasingly affect students' daily life and healthy growth, reasons, mainly:
     Role conversion and adjustment disorder to enter university, each person must undergo Role and adapt to the environment in the process, this time often have many psychological problems. Result in the student's psychological imbalance first reason is the reality of the university and university of their choice is not uniform, the resulting psychological gap; followed by the freshmen to the new environment, new relationships, new teaching models and their previous living environment suited to generate confusion and cause psychological disorders; addition, as a college freshman in the ordinary one, especially in prestigious universities, and its former leader in high school as the feeling is not the same, and this is one of the reasons lead to psychological problems . Students adapt to the new environment, such as the lack of timely adjustments, there will be loss, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression and other psychological problems, some students will drop out of school due to chronic suited. Therefore, we should particularly focus on the psychological adjustment of new students to help them through the period of psychological imbalance, successful role transition.
  Psychological stress of modern communicative difficulties of communication difficulties college students mainly for not living independently, do not know how to communicate with people, do not understand interpersonal skills and principles. Some students with autism do not want to relate to people; some students as socially communicative or other purposes, at the expense of the principle of the crowd. Communication difficulties these students for several reasons: Students now mostly only child, childhood education improper had some negative effects, such as willful selfishness, do whatever they want; childhood environment led to a lack of collective lack of collective pride and spirit of cooperation; parents arranged over After the child to college lack the most basic ability to live independently and manners; lack of frank attitude and understanding of extreme and so on. Because communication difficulties, on the one hand lead to autistic students produce paranoia and other psychological problems, partly because no tell their object, will increase psychological pressure.
  College enrollment in recent years because the employment pressure, social competition, sluggish job market, employment status and graduate enrollment favored psychological expectations gap is too big. College students looking for work or looking for the ideal job increasingly difficult. This university many high school students caused great mental stress, that they may be anxiety, low self-esteem and loss of sense of security, many psychological problem arises.
  On the one hand, many students rely on the network due to communication difficulties in the virtual world to find psychological satisfaction, on the other hand was wonderful network itself attracted. Therefore, some students becoming increasingly dependent on the network, and some even dye Internet addiction, spend a lot of time to soak in the Internet, indulge in the virtual world, self-enclosed, and the real life of estrangement, and are unwilling to face to face interaction . Thus, over time, will affect the college normal cognitive, emotional, and psychological orientation may also lead to a split personality, is not conducive to healthy personality and outlook on life shaping. Second, obsessed with the network also gives rise to psychological dependence, in daily life and learning behavior disorders, trance, rave, bizarre behavior.


8. 中英文翻译!急!!!!10点!

  更新1:  另外我想问"enjoy our stage"好d定系"enjoy our performance"好d? 仲有个问题  以下句子grammer有冇错?? "actually i am not too *** all   but my blood still hot."
   Staff 就OK 如果系后台做野的话就最好系 Background Staff 其实果个人如果系着得STAFF OR BACKGROUND STAFF 果伴TEE 就已经证明左佢系一个STAFF LA- - 根本唔需要写"I M " 我系D咩野= = 你自己决定LA :) 仲有   如果你系想型D   其实你可以将STAFF OR BACKGROUND STAFF D字型转得形D 味得LO. 再加小小图案 底色最好系黑色 咁就够型LA :)  I am the staff   其实一个Staff字或家Crew都已经表达到工作员既意思 印tee可以去uLabel试下  参考: 自己  I am the staff  我想印句"我是工作人员"意思的英文句子   又简洁又有型的= STAFF MEEMBER or CREWS or CREWS xxxxxxx = COMPANY NAME OR COMPANY INITIALS  I am a staff. ="我是工作人员"  i'd require a crew tee with the word "i'm coordinator" for back-stage worker.