

1. 中日甲午海战的相关读物

 《甲午海战》连环画册,由以下6家出版社分别创作出版发行:人民美术出版社浙江人民美术出版社黑龙江美术出版社连环画出版社辽宁美术出版社河北人民美术出版社 内容简介在一场原本势均力敌的海战中,北洋水师遭受重创,以至后来的刘公岛之战全军覆没。历史留给人们的是一段刻骨铭心的伤痛。我们不禁对那段历史发出一系列的追问:维护大清国天朝之梦的北洋水师战斗力到底如何?北洋水师的军费开支到底流向何处?当我们真正揭开这块百年伤疤时,一段段鲜为人知的历史浮出水面。In this naval, the two sides should have been well matched in strength. However, the Beiyang Navy was beaten badly, which led to the doom of Liu Gong Island Battle. This history leaves us a terrible pain. We can't help asking: what was the battle effectiveness of the Beiyang Navy which was supposed to safeguard the Qing dynasty? Where did the military expenditure go? When we fathom the truth, a chapter of inside stories will be exposed.
