

1. 郭广银的介绍

郭广银,女,汉族,山东临清人,1951年11月生,1971年2月加入中国共产党,1970年10月参加工作。哲学大学学历,管理学在职研究生学历、博士学位。教授、博士研究生导师。 曾任东南大学党委书记(副部长级)。


2. 郭德银的奖励与荣誉

  国家杰出青年基金获得者(2009)  国家“973”计划首席科学家(2009)  中国微生物学会病毒专业委员会梅里埃奖(2010)  武汉大学十大杰出青年教师(2004)  武汉大学十大师德标兵(2010)  武汉大学朱裕壁医学奖(2011)  湖北省劳动模范(2004)  国务院特殊津贴专家

3. 郭银土的介绍



4. 郭德银的近期代表性论文

1. Yu Chen, Hui Cai, Ji’an Pan, Nian Xiang, Po Tien, Tero Ahola, Deyin Guo (2009). Functional screen reveals SARS coronavirus nonstructural protein nsp14 as a novel cap N7 methyltransferase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106, 3484-9.  2. Junwei Li, Musarat Ishaq, Mabiala Prudence, Xiao Xi, Tao Hu, Qingzhen Liu, Deyin Guo (2009) Single mutation at the amino acid position 627 of PB2 that leads to increased virulence of an H5N1 avian influenza virus during adaptation in mice can be compensated by multiple mutations at other sites of PB2. Virus Research 144, 123-9.  3. Tao Hu, Qiong Fu, Ping Chen, Li Ma, Onsam Sin and Deyin Guo (2009) Construction of an Artificial MicroRNA Expression Vector for Simultaneous Inhibition of Multiple Genes in Mammalian Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 10, 2158-2168.  4. Yaling Yang, Snawar Hussain, Hao Wang, Min Ke, Deyin Guo (2009) Translational control of the subgenomic RNAs of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Virus Genes 39, 10-18.  5. Ping Chen, Tao Hu, Miao Jiang, Deyin Guo. (2009). Synthesis in E. coli cells and characterization of the active exoribonuclease of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Molecular Biology 3, 410-417.  6. Ke Zhang, Yu Chen, Ji’an Pan, Tero Ahola, Deyin Guo (2009) Lentiviral vector-derived shRNAs confer enhanced suppression of Semliki forest virus replication in BHK-21 cells compared to shRNAs expressed from plasmids. Biotechnology Letters 31, 501-508.  7. Tao Hu, Qiong Fu, Ping Chen, Ke Zhang, Deyin Guo (2009) Generation of a stable mammalian cell line for simultaneous expression of multiple genes by using 2A peptide-based lentiviral vector. Biotechnology Letters 31, 353-359.  8. Musarat Ishaq, Li Ma, Xiaoyun Wu, Yongxin Mu, Ji’an Pan, Jiajie Hu, Tao Hu, Qiong Fu and Deyin Guo (2009). The DEAD-box RNA helicase DDX1 interacts with RelA and enhances nuclear factor kappaB-mediated transcription. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 106, 296-305.  9. Xiaoyun Wu, You Zhou, Ke Zhang, Qingzhen Liu & Deyin Guo (2008). Isoform-specific interaction of pyruvate kinase with hepatitis C virus NS5B. FEBS Letters 582, 2155-2160.  10. Ji’An Pan, Xiaoxue Peng, Yajing Gao, Zhilin Li, Xiaolu Lu, Yingzhao Chen, Musarat Ishaq, Dan Liu, Marta L. DeDiego, Luis Enjuanes and Deyin Guo. (2008). Genome-wide analysis of protein-protein interactions and involvement of viral proteins in SARS-CoV replication. PLoS ONE 3, e3299.  11. Xiaoyun Wu, Musarat Ishaq, Jiajie Hu, Deyin Guo (2008). HCV NS3/4A protein activates HIV-1 transcription from its long terminal repeat. Virus Research 135, 155-160.  12. Musarat Ishaq, Jiajie Hu, Xiaoyun Wu, Qingzhen Liu and Deyin Guo. (2008). Knockdown of cellular RNA helicase DDX3 by short hairpin RNAs suppresses HIV-1 viral replication without inducing apoptosis. Molecular Biotechnology 39, 231-238.  13. Yaling Yang, Quan Wang, Deyin Guo (2008). A Novel Strategy for Analyzing RNA-Protein Interactions by Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor. Molecular Biotechnology 40, 87-93.  14. Junwei Li, Hui Cai, Qingzhen Liu & Deyin Guo (2008). Molecular and pathological characterization of two H5N1 avian influenza viruses isolated from wild ducks. Virus Genes 37, 88-95.  15. Deyin Guo, Minna-Leena Rajam?ki & Jari Valkonen. (2008). Protein-protein interactions: the yeast two-hybrid system. Methods in Molecular Biology 451, 421-439.  16. Zuoxiang Xiao, Yong Xiong, Lindi Tan, Elana Ehrlich, Deyin Guo and Xiao-Fang Yu (2007). Characterization of a Novel Cullin5 Binding Domain in HIV-1 Vif. Journal of Molecular Biology 373, 541-550.  17. Ping Chen, Miao Jiang, Tao Hu, Qingzhen Liu, Xiaojiang S. Chen, Deyin Guo (2007) Biochemical characterization of exoribonuclease encoded by SARS coronavirus. Journal of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 40, 649-655.  18. Xiaoxue Peng, Ji’an Pan, Rui Gong, Yang Liu, Shuli Kang, Huixing Feng, Gang Qiu, Deyin Guo, Po Tien, and Gengfu Xiao. (2007). Functional characterization of syncytin-A, a newly murine endogenous virus envelope protein: implication for its fusion mechanism. Journal of Biological Chemistry 282, 381-9.  19. Zhaoyang Li, Yong Xiong, Yu Peng, Ji’an Pan, Yu Chen, Xiaoyun Wu, Snawar Hussain, Po Tien, Deyin Guo. (2005). Specific inhibition of HIV-1 replication by short hairpin RNAs targeting human cyclin T1 without inducing apoptosis. FEBS Letters 579, 3100-6.   20. Snawar Hussain, Ji’an Pan, Yu Chen, Yalin Yang, Jing Xu, Yu Peng, Ying Wu, Zhaoyang Li, Ying Zhu, Po Tien, Deyin Guo. (2005). Identification of novel subgenomic RNAs and noncanonical transcription initiation signals of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Journal of Virology 79, 5288-95.

5. 郭广银的人物荣誉



6. 郭广银的人物履历

1973年入南京大学哲学系学习,1977年毕业并留校工作(其间1980至1981学年在北京大学、中国人民大学进修伦理学)。在业务方面,历任哲学系助教、讲师、副教授、教授,并担任硕士研究生导师和博士研究生导师;在管理方面,兼任过哲学系学生辅导员、班主任、党支部书记、教研室主任,1984年始,历任哲学系党总支副书记、书记、南京大学校党委委员、宣传部部长、党委常委,1994年任校党委副书记,2003年任校党委常务副书记(正厅级),2005年任江苏省委组织部副部长(其间曾兼任省委巡视办副主任、省人才办主任、省干教培训办主任)。 2011年01月-2015年11月任东南大学党委书记、党委常委。
